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And yet there are cases where shame is the very best possible remedy for juvenile faults.The idleness band brother company easy and irregularity of children in school often depends more on accidental circumstances than on character.The names of the former should be among the first which the teacher learns, and their characters should be among the first which he studies.Avoid then, for the few first band brother company easy days, all open collision with any of your pupils, that you may have opportunity for minute and thorough observation.By this means, if it is done in such a way as to secure the influence of the school on the right side, many good effects are sometimes attained.Come now, said he, handing him back his club, throw it over into the field as far as band brother company easy you can, and we will all forget that you ever made it.Yes sir.Then why should any band brother company easy boy or girl wish to give me trouble or pain? There was a pause.Another point to which the teacher ought to give his early attention, is to separate the bad boys as soon as he can, from one another.John, do you take your books and go and sit out there by the window, and, band brother company easy Samuel, you come and sit here on this front seat, and if I catch you playing again I shall certainly punish you severely.