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These he had ever at command.The white men were cautiously to proceed in the advance, and pour in a deadly fire to kill as many as adjust seiko watch band possible.The idea seemed never to have entered his mind that there could be any person superior to David Crockett, or any one so humble that Crockett was entitled to look down upon him with condescension.In this way they had moved along about six miles, when the two spies in front came rushing breathlessly back, with the tidings that they had discovered a camp adjust seiko watch band of Creek Indians.There was no evidence that the Indian encampment consisted of anything more than half a dozen wigwams, where a few inoffensive savages, with their wives and children, were eking out a half starved existence by hunting, fishing, and digging up roots from the forest.The main body of the army, adjust seiko watch band which had remained in Florida, moving slowly about, without any very definite object, waiting for something to turn up was then upon the banks of the Scambia.The horses of the army were scattered about over the plain grazing upon the rich herbage.He extended very liberal adjust seiko watch band hospitality to the refugee Creek warriors, and in many ways facilitated their cooperation with the English.Dangerous Sickness.It is adjust seiko watch band not pleasant to record such a measure.