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taken possession of by Rhodolph, 193.abdication disney disneyland park resort of in favor of Philip, his son, 139.ALBERT (of Bavaria) declines the throne of Hungary, 66.In 1822 a decree was issued by the emperor prohibiting the distribution disney disneyland park resort of the Bible in any part of the Austrian dominions.BRITISH MINISTER, letter of the in regard to Maria Theresa, 295.symptoms of the disney disneyland park resort decay of, 160.the loss of Lombardy felt by, 387., the throne disney disneyland park resort of Spain held by, 328.The slavery which disgraces our land is ostentatiously exhibited in harrowing descriptions and appalling engravings, as a specimen of the degradation to which republican institutions doom the laboring class.death of, disney disneyland park resort 143.CHARLES (Prince), defeat of by Frederic, 254.cooperates disney disneyland park resort with Austria., 19.BRANDENBURG, reply of the Marquis disney disneyland park resort of to Charles V.ANN (Princess of Hungary and Bohemia), marriage of to Ferdinand I.