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By that time King Edward had discovered the place of her retreat, and he sent a certain Sir William Stanley, who had always been one of her most inveterate enemies, to take her prisoner and bring her to him.Margaret had not been long in example resume style Kirkcudbright before she was accidentally seen by a man who knew her.Her party arrived at the capital in November, and Margaret, by Louis's orders, was received with all the ceremonies and marks of distinction due to a queen.She went there, attended with a small number of followers, example resume style and here she remained, in utter seclusion from the world, and almost forgotten, for seven long years.At length, however, the gale subsided so as to allow the ship to make a port not the port of their destination, however, but one far to the southward of it, in a territory belonging to Philip, Duke of Burgundy, between whom and Margaret there had been, during all Margaret's life, a hereditary and implacable enmity.This man was an example resume style Englishman.CHAPTER XXI.Before they departed from the cave Margaret example resume style expressed her thanks very earnestly to the outlaw and his wife for their kindness in receiving her and the little prince into their cave, and in doing so much for their comfort while there, although by so doing they not only encroached very much upon their own slender means of support, but also incurred a very serious risk in harboring such a fugitive.He had been ruined by the war, and driven from his home, and was now, like the queen herself, a wanderer and a fugitive.They embarked from Bamborough on board two ships, but very soon after they had left the land a storm arose, and the two ships were example resume style separated from each other, and for twelve hours the one which Margaret and the prince had taken was in imminent danger of being overwhelmed.He fled on horseback for when he was in good bodily health he was an excellent horseman but he was so hotly pursued that three of his body guard were taken.Margaret remained standing near, in great anxiety example resume style and distress, until presently, watching her opportunity, she caught up the prince in her arms and slipped away into the adjoining thickets.He, however, wrote a letter of warm thanks to Philip, in which he declared that he had not merited and did not expect such kindness at his hands.