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The Prince Sobcuitz, now in command of the besieging force, mortified and irritated by the escape, sent a summons to the garrison demanding its immediate and unconditional surrender.Maria Theresa busta rhymes latest cd and Frederic were fairly pitted against each other.On the 11th of May eighty thousand French met the Austrian allied army of fifty thousand.I have acted with too much condescension busta rhymes latest cd to the court of France.It became a general impression, that the preservation of the Austrian monarchy was essential to hold France in check, which colossal power seemed to threaten the liberties of Europe.Frederic published a manifesto in which he declared that he took up arms busta rhymes latest cd to restore to the German empire its liberty, to the emperor his dignity, and to Europe repose.She persistently refused to acknowledge the emperor, who, beyond all dispute, was legally elected she treated the diet contemptuously she did not disguise her determination to hold Bavaria by the right of conquest, and to annex it to Austria she had compelled the Bavarians to take the oath of allegiance to her she was avowedly meditating gigantic projects in the conquest of France and Italy and it was very evident that she was maturing her plans for the reconquest of Silesia.The duchy of Lorraine, which had been wrested from her husband, was immediately to be invaded and busta rhymes latest cd restored to the empire.The army, already exhausted and emaciate by famine, toiled on over morasses, through forests, over mountains, facing frost and wind and snow, and occasionally fighting their way against their foes, until on the twelfth day they reached Egra on the frontiers of Bavaria, about one hundred and twenty miles east from Prague.The new emperor, claiming the crown of Austria, had lost his own territory of Bavaria and the capital of Bohemia, where he had so recently been enthroned, was hourly in peril of falling into the busta rhymes latest cd hands of his foes.The Duke of Lorraine became increasingly anxious to secure the capitulation before the arrival of the army of relief, and proposed a conference to decide upon terms, which should be transmitted for approval to the courts of Vienna and of Paris.His leading generals were of the same opinion, as they wished to avoid a needless busta rhymes latest cd effusion of blood.The French made sally after sally to spike the guns which were battering down the walls.The busta rhymes latest cd young prince had greatly signalized himself on the field of battle.The sympathies of Europe began to turn in favor of Maria Theresa.