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Of the more important of these we have spoken in our accounts of the exploits of Tucker, Biddle, and Paul Jones.Eight of these they succeeded in taking safe to Boston, chinese paper manufacturers where they were sold for more than a million dollars.But when the ships dropped anchor, and the commodore went ashore to consult with the officers of the land forces, he found that but nine hundred of the militiamen had responded to the call.To co operate with the fleet, a military force was chinese paper manufacturers thought necessary and accordingly orders were issued for fifteen hundred of the militia of the district of Maine to assemble at Townsend.Come aboard the 'Arethusa,' then.Sullivan was appointed to the chinese paper manufacturers command of the land forces, while Capt.In an inlet of Narragansett Bay, near Newport, the British had anchored a powerful floating battery, made of the dismasted hulk of the schooner Pigot, on which were mounted twelve eight pounders and ten swivel guns.Night fell, and in the darkness the Trumbull might have escaped with her chinese paper manufacturers charges, but that a violent squall struck her, carrying away her fore topmast and main top gallant mast.Two days were spent by the Americans in reconnoitring the enemy's works and on the 28th of July the work of disembarking the troops began, under a heavy fire from the enemy's batteries.Forming in solid column, the soldiers took up the march for Whitehall but, when within five miles of that place, a ruddy glare chinese paper manufacturers in the sky told that the Americans had been warned of their coming, and had set the torch to the shipping.Trenches were dug, the guns in the outlying batteries were turned upon the fort, and the New Englanders sat down to wait until the enemy should be starved out or until re enforcements might be brought from Boston.James Nicholson, an able chinese paper manufacturers and plucky officer.Perhaps the most notable naval event of this year, aside from the battle between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis, was the expedition sent by the State of Massachusetts against the British post at Castine, on the banks of the Penobscot River.Rathburn chinese paper manufacturers of the Queen determined to try a little masquerading.She was but recently out of port, and was manned largely by green hands.