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' The stranger would perhaps look surprised while I said this, and would ask an explanation, and I might properly reply as follows 'Whether the boys are at this moment doing right or wrong depends not so much upon what they are doing as upon the feelings of the heart with which they are doing it.I once met two children, twelve years of age, who had just returned from hearing a very able discourse, delivered before join now button a number of Sabbath schools assembled on some public occasion.He is writing for money.He knows, too, that he is breaking the rules of the school in being out of his place, but join now button he stays notwithstanding, and is delighting himself with thinking how disappointed and sad his schoolmate will be when he comes in and finds his work spoiled by having another handwriting in it, when he was depending on doing it all himself.Never, do I say? Perhaps there may be some exceptions.We will call join now button this boy B, for Benevolence.When it is down, all the duties of school are suspended, and scholars are left entirely to their liberty.It is drawn up and let down by a cord join now button passing over a pulley.The reason is, the subject is simple the facts are such as a very little child would be interested in and the connection of each new word, in almost every instance, explains its meaning.' This motive, now, join now button would be benevolence that is, if the boy who was asked to copy it was not particularly acquainted with the other, and did it chiefly to oblige him.Do it carefully.Intelligent children will join now button be interested even in so simple a point as this much more interested than a maturer mind, unacquainted with the peculiarities of children, would suppose.Boys and girls will take an interest in such a lecture they will regret to have it come to a conclusion, and will give their attention when the subject is again brought forward on the following day.The school was commenced with a small number of pupils, and without any system or plan whatever, and the one here described was formed insensibly and by slow degrees, through the influence of various and join now button accidental circumstances.He is writing carefully, simply because he wishes to do his duty and please God.