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The British Secret Service joined in following up the clues, and two Mohammedan merchants of Canea were arrested and deported to Malta on unimpeachable evidence of complicity.The reason for that policy publicly alleged was, as we have seen, the Allies' need to do basketball trading pins their own fighting in 87 peace and security.The result was negative, and the officer commanding the detachment had to apologize to the Chief of the Custom House.72 basketball trading pins.Skouloudis, the latter said that the Allies' mistrust might well force Greece to consider whether it would not be better for her to demobilize, leaving to them all responsibility for the consequences.The Entente Powers could not, of course, deny the reasonableness of this basketball trading pins plea but neither could they ignore the inconveniences to themselves that would arise from its frank recognition., 1915.III, basketball trading pins pp.The very journal which in one page recorded it, in another wrote Bulgaria has gone Greece is trembling in the balance.By trying to do so, Greece could not avoid, even with the utmost circumspection, exposing basketball trading pins herself to insult and injury.Cp.As regards Salonica it is basketball trading pins very difficult to get in a word they were both full of the necessity of pushing in troops, and would not think of coming out.Again M.Skouloudis replied that Greece basketball trading pins could not possibly consent.102.