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The Kabbala did not, however, retain a high place in the realm of literature.III, holcombe lake pine point wi p.The last chapter is, however, of a different character, and it has often been printed as a separate work.The Zohar was the bible of the Kabbalists, and the later holcombe lake pine point wi works of the school were commentaries on this bible.It has already been said that he took an active part in the management of communal affairs, but he did more than this.But it was his keen wit more than his learning that made him popular in Rome, and impelled the Jews of that city, headed by Immanuel, to persuade Kalonymos to holcombe lake pine point wi settle permanently in Italy.But mysticism has many dangers.A number of writers more or less dallied with the holcombe lake pine point wi subject, and then the Kabbala took a bolder flight.CHAPTER XIX ETHICAL LITERATURE Bachya Ibn Pekuda.In his Purim Tractate, Kalonymos parodies the style, logic, and phraseology of the Talmud, and his work was the forerunner of a host holcombe lake pine point wi of similar parodies.SABBATAI ZEVI.Abulafia holcombe lake pine point wi.