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III.In accusing me personally of plagiarism on no reasonable grounds whatever, as I have just unanswerably proved him to have done, and in making the certainty of the plagiarism depend upon an allegation of fact wholly independent of the book which he professed to be criticising (namely, the false allegation that I have worked all my life in a Hegelian atmosphere), get date in javascript Dr.'.Royce calumniously imputes to get date in javascript me.Dr.He has done this, by the very terms of his accusation, absolutely and confessedly without cause for the system of philosophy which is unpublished to others is no less unpublished to him, and an accusation thus made confessedly without any knowledge of its truth is, on the get date in javascript very face of it, an accusation which is as malicious as it is groundless.It is quite immaterial here which theory is the true one the only point involved at present is that the two theories flatly contradict each other, and that it is self evidently impossible that either could be borrowed, consciously or unconsciously, from the other.Royce is that I borrowed my whole theory of universals from Hegel unconsciously, he has the caution to say but that qualification does not in the least mitigate the mischievous intention and effect of his accusation as a glaring falsification of fact and artful misdescription get date in javascript of my work.How does he know anything about it? I certainly have never shown him my unpublished manuscript, and beyond those published allusions to it he possesses absolutely no means whatever of knowing anything about its contents.If proved, or even if widely believed without proof, it get date in javascript cannot but ruin his literary career and destroy the marketable value of his books and it matters little, so far as these practical results are concerned, whether the plagiarism attributed to him is conscious or unconscious.To make such a self proved and self condemned accusation as this is, I submit, to be guilty of libel with no ordinary degree of culpability.IV get date in javascript.I deny, in general, that any Harvard professor has the right to fulminate a professional warning against anybody and, in particular, that you, gentlemen, ever voted or intended to invest Dr.Royce had not, by clear and undeniable implication, appealed to your high sanction to sustain him in his attack, if he had not undeniably sought to create a widespread but false public impression that, in making this attack, he spoke, and had a right to speak, with all the prestige and authority of Harvard University itself, I should not have deemed it either necessary or becoming to appeal to you in self defence, or, indeed, to take any public notice whatever of an attack otherwise get date in javascript unworthy of it.