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This vow she afterward earnestly fulfilled.Its name mantis seer bike was Mike.The king pulled her away, telling her to be quiet and submit, for he was determined that they should go.He then sent an officer to direct all the French servants and attendants in the queen's apartments to leave mantis seer bike the palace immediately, and repair to Somerset House, which was not far distant, and remain there till they received further orders.As soon as news of the queen's arrival reached York, the general in command there sent down to the coast a detachment of two thousand men to escort the heroine, and the stores and money which she had brought, to her husband's capital.Of course, such a boy mantis seer bike could not be expected to accomplish any thing as a general, or even to exercise any real military command.The queen did every thing in her power to sustain the sinking fortunes of her husband, but in vain.She dressed herself in soiled and ragged clothes, disfigured her face by reversing the contrivances with which ladies in very fashionable life are said sometimes to produce artificial youth and beauty, and with the child in a bundle on her back, and a staff in her hand, she watched for a favorable opportunity to escape stealthily from the palace, in the forlorn hope of walking in that way undetected to Dover, a march of fifty miles, through mantis seer bike a country filled with enemies.He did not bear, however, very good naturedly, the jests and gibes of which he was the continual object, from the unfeeling courtiers, who often took pleasure in teasing him and in getting him into all sorts of absurd and ridiculous situations.There were their pursuers behind them, whose shots were continually booming over the water, threatening them with destruction, and there was a storm arising which, with the great press of sail that they were carrying, brought with it mantis seer bike a danger, perhaps, more imminent still.The child, it will be recollected, was left, when Henrietta escaped from Exeter, in the care of the Countess of Morton, a young and beautiful, and also a very intelligent and energetic lady.She had a mantis seer bike small dog.In the mean time all the ships, pursuers and pursued, were rapidly nearing the French coast.