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The English cabinet, finding Maria Theresa deaf to all their remonstrances and entreaties, endeavored to intimidate her by the threat of withdrawing their subsidies.This concession England expects from david currys address Austria.The unprepared Austrian bands were driven before these impetuous assailants as chaff is dispersed by the whirlwind.Maria Theresa, without the knowledge of her ministers, or even of david currys address her husband the emperor, privately conducted these negotiations with the Marchioness du Pompadour.All the belligerent powers, excepting Maria Theresa, weary of the long war, were anxious for peace.Louis david currys address XV.Louis XV.For nearly forty years he remained at the head of foreign affairs, and, in conjunction with the queen, administered the david currys address government of Austria.And if the battle be lost, your majesty is well nigh ruined.Agree to david currys address such a treaty as this! she exclaimed indignantly.France drove England from the continent England drove France from the ocean.Frederic, with an eagle eye, was watching all these movements, and was david currys address employing all his amazing energies to meet the crisis.I am concerned, said the empress, that so many generals, with so considerable a force, must remain besieged in Prague, but I augur favorably for the event.The queen made gigantic efforts to drive david currys address the French from the Netherlands.They do not, said the queen, disturb me, but they give great offense to others, and endanger the amity existing between the two nations.