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O, but better than this, Jean, you must love me.Her eyes don't budge! fan clubs for sports teamss She's fastened on his face With just the look that one would have to greet The ghost of one's own self.You young fool, I'm not for you.Well, sir, how dare you speak to girls like that, When they're fan clubs for sports teamss alone? The Man.Not love you enough? Death, I'll show you then.They think, fan clubs for sports teamss because we serve, we've no more right To feelings than their cattle.Come, Jean.Yes, just to see how fan clubs for sports teamss horrible they are.Morris.But I must want Lips against mine, and arms marrying me, And breast to kiss with its dear warmth my breast, Body must love! O me, how it must ache Before it is as numb as thine, dear boy! Poor darling, didst thou forget that I fan clubs for sports teamss was made To wed thee, body and soul? For surely else Thou hadst not gone from life.