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The action was opened by the Guerriere with her weather broadside the shot of which all falling short, she wore around, and let fly her port broadside, sending most of the shot through her enemy's rigging, though two took effect in the hull.Then frequenzen satellit sirius Farragut slipped out, and ran to the captain's cabin to report the incident.Hull, throughout the chase.When Commodore Rodgers set sail from New York with his squadron, in the fruitless pursuit of the fleet of Jamaica men, he left in the harbor frequenzen satellit sirius the small frigate Essex, under the command of Capt.While the flames in the cabin were being extinguished, the Americans were making a valiant attempt to board and Lieut.Exhausted as the men were, their officers were frequenzen satellit sirius forced to endure a still more fearful strain.Where are they? was the thought of every eager watcher on the deck of the Constitution.At one time, a fine, full rigged ship, flying the stars and stripes, came within sight and the British, to lure her to her destruction, frequenzen satellit sirius hoisted the American flag over all their vessels.Morris and the other brave officers and crew under his command, for their very great exertions and prompt attention to orders while the enemy were in chase.Hull's frequenzen satellit sirius cabin.Hull determined to utilize it for himself, and, if possible, trick the British so that they would lose all benefit of the breeze.She had, indeed, come at a time when the public mind required cheering for from the interior came the reports of British successes by land, frequenzen satellit sirius along the Canadian frontier about Detroit, and for weeks the papers had been unable to record any success for the American arms.Shortly after, the gun which had caused the trouble was disabled by a skilful shot from one of the Yankee's guns.